Executive Assessment
CEOs and Boards of Directors worldwide will tell you that identifying and developing top talent is essential to their business. According to our experience and a great deal of research, there is a significant gap in leadership strength on succession benches. Also as evidenced by a tremendous amount of research, they will also tell you that assessing talent in organizations is under-skilled in performing well.
Janson Associates has an incredible ability to assess talent very quickly. By spending time with an individual, we can immediately diagnose strengths and opportunities for improvement. We are able to compliment this work with a wide range of psychometric and behavioral assessments. We have worked with tens of thousands of leaders worldwide, giving us knowledge and experience of what to look for when seeking talent and how to assess talent’s skills.

Organizational Assessment
Our needs assessments are scalable based on the client but often include an employee engagement survey, focus groups, interviews, a look at company communications, and financials.​
Not only can we help you view things from a systems-level perspective across your entire enterprise, we can also help you create tactical plans. This work, without fail, results in an increase of employee engagement, which has statistically been linked to positive outcomes such as increased financial performance, shareholder value, and retention.
Talent Planning
One of the biggest challenges individuals face when trying to reach their potential is the gap between their self-perception and how others perceive and experience them. Assessment is a critical component of a successful talent management process because of the ability to determine a person’s competencies and derailers.
Janson Associates has an incredible ability to assess talent very quickly. By spending time with an individual, we can diagnose strengths and opportunities for improvement immediately.

Employee Engagement
Why make it up? That’s the philosophy behind our work using employee surveys to determine levels of employee engagement and learning of barriers to it being even stronger. That, coupled with follow-on focus groups, makes our work a powerful lever for teams and organizations.
Using employee input to determine solutions has tremendous impact. Not only do you get clarity as to what they find important, you also get insight into how to solve major concerns. When you tie employee input to the efforts being generated, you often create higher engagement levels, increasing the likelihood of overall change. We will then conduct the surveys and uncover insights that can be used in vital discussions to construct a plan for addressing the concern.